- October 27, 2020
- Posted by: Admin
- Category: Flutter App Development

Are you a bussing entrepreneur with a start-up idea of developing a mobile app? Then most probably you might be in a dilemma of selecting the type of mobile app development platform. Gone are the days when mobile apps were developed for a specific platform. Now the IT industry is widening its passage and giving way to mobiles to grab the screen of all platforms and all sizes. In the recent competitive world, cross-platform mobile development is becoming the prior choice of maximum mobile software development companies over native app development. With every successive day, new technologies are emerging to enhance the user’s experience. The latest mobile app development technology that has captured the IT world is Flutter for cross-platform app development. It has made a hue in the mobile app development sector with its extraordinary features and flexible attributes, raising the demands of Flutter mobile app developers in the IT sector. For start-ups, Flutter is becoming a prominent choice for their mobile app development because it is an open-source UI software development kit developed by Google. This helps start-up to cut down their mobile app development cost to a great extent without compromising quality standards.
What is cross-platform app development and why do start-ups choose it?
Cross-platform apps are referred to as those apps which can be used on different platforms without making any changes in the coding. Cross-platform app development allows any smartphone user to download the app and use it. The development cost of cross-platform apps is comparatively lower than other app development technologies and is developed using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Using these standard languages developers can build an app that can be recognized by Android, IOS, and Windows platforms.
Most of the start-ups choose cross-platform app development and the reasons are listed below:
With native app development strategies, the developer was forced to develop an app in two or three mobile app development languages for different platforms. This demanded more time and capital investment too. Cross-platform app development allows the developer to develop an app using standard programming languages that can be recognized by all the currently active platforms reducing capital investment and efforts.
Till the last decade, an app was developed using native app development technology for a specific mobile platform. The disadvantage of this approach was the exclusion of the rest of the mobile platform users and restricting the use of developed apps whereas, the cross-platform app development approach has removed all the limitations and has allowed the developer to cover all types of smartphone users to use their apps without any restrictions.
Seamless user experience:
With the emergence of cross-platform app development, uniformity has increased between the app users of different smartphone users. Regardless of the mobile platform, the app serves the same features, appearance, speed, and experience to all users.
Ease for the developer:
Not just for the companies, but cross-platform app development has been proven beneficial for developers too, as they don’t need to attain specifications in each native mobile app programming language and technology. Now any mobile developer with deep-rooted knowledge of cross-platform app development programming language can develop an app for any mobile platform.
What is Flutter mobile app development?

Flutter is an open-source cross-platform app development kit developed by Google enabling the developer to develop a prominent app for various mobile platforms by using a single code. Flutter for mobile app development enables you to develop a scalable and expressive app that offers an extensive user experience. In recent years, most of the top IT giants have used Flutter for cross-platform app development which turned into thriving apps of the current market, such as Tencent, Alibaba, and many more. Flutter app developers use Dart language for app development which serves the most advanced features. Other than Dart programming language, the framework architecture of Flutter mobile app development comprises of flutter engine which is written in C++ language, foundation library which is written in Dart programming language, and designs specific widgets.
Reasons to use Flutter for your start-up business:
Start-up requires a technology that can serve them with instant solutions to get rapid growth in their app development procedure. More development time demands more capital investment. Flutter mobile app development offers a hot reload feature that enables Flutter app developers to make instant changes in the backend of the existing app without hindering the execution of the app.
Flutter mobile app development is comparatively less time-consuming than any other app development technology. Flutter software development kit allows the developer to reuse the already written code eliminating the time consumed by other app development technologies for rewriting the codes again and again.
Superlative user experience:
A primary disadvantage of cross-platform app development was the lack of efficiency when compared to native apps. This issue has been resolved by the Flutter mobile app development. This SDK has collaboration with the Cupertino Widgets for iOS and Android’s Material Design that enables the developer to develop across platform apps with the native app advantages. This SDK allows the developer to develop a fully functional app without compromising any functionality or attributes of an app regardless of its mobile platform. Also, flutter provides a plethora of tools that enable the app developer to include the best features for user experience enhancement.
Supports Google Firebase:
Automation is one of the most aspects of all the major industries. None of the business sectors is untouched by automation. The speed of automation is now incorporated into software development too with the help of Flutter. It provides Google Firebase which can be collaborated with other tools to automate the app development process. It is also used to develop more scalable and redundant apps.
MVP development:
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a boon for start-ups running short of capital and time too. It is hard for any start-up to develop a complete app and then check its viability in the market. Bad responses from the targeted customers or a customization requirement in the developed app can drag a start-up to closure. Instead of developing a complete app, now with the help of Flutter app development, developers can develop an app with minimum and necessary features that are important to check the feasibility of the app. This is the reason why Flutter is the most recommended app development SDK for start-ups.
Flutter app development, leveling up the mobile app development:
If you are willing to develop an app for your start-up and looking for a Flutter app Development Company then you must know the key features of the chosen software development kit and how it can benefit your mobile app development.
Future of this framework:
Flutter has gained quick popularity among developers and also software development companies. It is now recognized as the second most opted framework for cross-platform app development. Studies conducted in the software development sector illustrate that approx. 39% of the total software is being developed using a flutter framework. The very prior aspect that any developer checks for development are the existence of the selected frame in the future. Flutter being the creation of Google can be called safe to develop the app as will thrive shortly and will go in the long run.
Overview of Flutter framework:
As discussed before, flutter is an open-source framework that allows developers to develop a cross-platform app that implies all the native app’s features making it one of the most preferred cross-platform app development frameworks. This SDK is gaining rapid growth in the current market and has earned exponential growth to reach 30.2% by 2025 counting from 2019. This is the main reason why most of the start-ups are looking to hire top flutter, mobile app developers.
Dart as a potent programming language:
Dart is considered one of the most potential programming languages that offer powerful syntax, creative designs, and strong architecture. It also facilitates the developer to simplify the maintenance, and upgrade the standardization, unification, longevity, and other features that usually are missing from other frameworks.
Boosting the development process:
Graphics, rendering libraries, and native binaries are built on C/C++, hence offering high-performance app development. With the use of a Flutter framework, app development becomes much faster and easier. If you need the highest-performance app then undoubtedly, flutter is the only option for your search.
Rendering engine:
The performance of an app plays a crucial role in the success achievement of any app in the market, especially when it has competed with countless existing apps. Flutter software development kit uses Skia which enables the framework to render itself based on the mobile platform it is being used. Hence, UI adjustments are no longer required for different platforms.
The advent of PWA (progressive web app):
Progressive web apps render the qualities of websites and applications at the same time. Developing PWA was a time taking technology but it has been simplified with the help of Flutter. Using Flutter app development, a mobile app can be easily converted into progressive web apps. Now developers have got the liberty to develop UI components of a website dynamically and then convert it into already existing web apps.
Most software development start-ups face a downfall and the reason behind it is the wrong selection of app development framework. Flutter app development is gaining popularity in the software development sector in recent years as it assists the developer to develop cross-platform apps at the most affordable prices keeping the highest possible performance and efficiency of the app. The Flutter app development is the right choice for start-ups because it allows the companies to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) with the least necessary features to test the feasibility of the app before its end-to-end app development. Other benefits of using Flutter app development are a self-rendering engine, enhanced development process, use of Dart programming language, and many more. This is becoming one of the most potential frameworks to develop a cross-platform app development incorporating the prominence of native apps. If you are a start-up and willing to develop a cross-platform app development then Flutter app development is the best choice.