Local Databases That Impact Your React Native App Development

Local databases that can greatly impact your react native app development

Cross-platform app development is a boon for companies who are looking to rule out the smart phone industry with a single code source. There are multiple options to develop a cross-platform mobile app but react-native is taking a lead over other options. It is an open-source mobile app development framework and is one of the most preferred solutions by top mobile app developers in India. A rapidly growing demand has been noticed for react native app development due to the excellence in performance it offers.

This rapid growth of react native app development demand has obligated mobile app developers to search for a development that can give the highest compatibility with react native and make the app more efficient with the highest performance. A database is the backbone of an application that allows it to use the full-fledged features of the platform and offer the best output. Hence, database selection must be done wisely to frame out an exclusive solution.

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Factors to consider before selecting a database for react native app development:

The complexity of data:

Key-value, these are the two major components of database that comes as a default option for several client-side scripting languages and server-side. These key elements are serialized by the developers or can be done by the library itself. The serialization of key-value can be a reason for errors, especially when you are using an app development environment with limited resources. To reduce such complications, you must choose a database that can easily store complex data other than the pair of keys and values.

The number of lines codes:

The choice of database selection widely depends on the number of code lines required for app development. If your number of line codes is less than 20 then you must not select an advanced database. By doing so, you may increase the complexities of your code affecting the performance of the developed react native app.

Advanced databases are costly as compared to the other ones, also an increase in the code of line will lead to time consumption which may affect the app’s performance.

Syncing of data:

If you are developing an app with lower complexity then a simple database can serve you with the required solutions. The simple database can be used only for a single user, multiple-user collaboration is not allowed with the simple database. It offers very simple synchronization options and if you are willing to sync offline data then you can connect with the internet to sync the app with the server.

If the primary requirement of your app is a collaboration you require an advanced database to facilitate a complex syncing process too.

Handling data conflicts and concurrency:

If you are having multiple collaboration features in your app and you are willing to attain 100% efficiency then you must choose a database which is having conflict management policies, because more collaboration will lead to more complications and conflicts.

To ensure the highest performance of developing apps you must check for the conflict-handling policies of the database which are listed on the repository pages.

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    Top Local Databases for React Native App Development:

    Realm database:

    The emergence of realm database was subjected to develop offline and real-time apps that can be compatible on mobile devices as well as wearable. As this database can serve equally beneficial for different platforms, hence it has been the prior choice for react native app development also. Realm offers its database engine as it is built on the ORM or SQLite.

    Advantages of opting realm database for react native app development:


      • Realm Sync runs in the background recording each service request and local user interactions

      • If you are willing to implement offline-first architecture then Redux offline can help you achieve it effectively

      • Offers multiple encryption standards for different mobile platforms

    Features offered by Realm database:


      • The typed language-specific APIs of the realm can be used to directly map the typed objects into the Realm files. Hence the classes can be used as a schema definition.

      • Objects can be easily associated using links. Each link developed for building a relationship gives a backlink that has an inverse relation with the linking object.

      • Any change made in the database can be detected as each change made in it is reflected in all the elements of the same data.

    Firebase and Cloud Firestore

    Firebase and Cloud Firestore:

    Firebase is a Baas which is an abbreviation of Backend as a service that can be used to develop excellently designed APIs. It is a cloud-hosted real-time database, where databases are stored as JSON. The data stored in it is synchronized and delivered to all the clients in real-time. Hence all the clients connected with the database can get real-time updates as everyone is sharing a single real-time database despite various platforms. It is an apt database for react native app development as it holds the potential of managing M and C requirements of the MVC.

    Benefits of choosing firebase for react native app development:


      • Real-time syncing of data: By using the firebase database you can sync data of all your clients in real-time. For example, if an app is going offline then a single announcement is enough to reach out to all your clients at once.

      • Fewer efforts for setting up the database: Using firebase you can set up APIs for multiple platforms at once with minimal setup. Also, you don’t require any server to read your stored data as it can be done directly through your mobile phones.

      • Offline persistence: Using the firebase database, the mobile app developers can develop a real-time app using its offline persistence features.

    Features of firebase database:


      • Real-time database

      • Direct storage of data to the cloud from the client’s end

      • built-in authentication system

      • Easy to use hosting

      • Fully featured app development platform

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      To provide local storage for mobile apps, SQLite is being used. The lite introduced in the name of this database is due to the lightweight library that requires minimal effort for setup. This database can be easily integrated within a mobile device also to give direct access to the database from the mobiles. For react native app development, SQLite is one of the most preferred databases as it allows to store of data locally. This database is renowned for offering amazing performance.

      Benefits of SQLite:


        • The database can be store in local files

        • allows offline persistence during development

        • It can execute all SQL standards

      Firebase Features

      Features of SQLite:


        • Zero configuration: SQLite can be flawlessly installed at the time of use. It doesn’t require any server process to be installed or configured before use. An automated recovery is incorporated in the SQLite, hence no action is required for system recovery.

        • Serverless: SQLite doesn’t require any additional server to operate

        • Flexible:Using SQLite you can work on multiple databases at the same time

        • No configuration: SQLite doesn’t require any configuration before operating

        • Cross-platform: SQLite is a cross-platform DBMS that can run over any operating system, large range of platforms like Mac OS, Windows, Linux, etc.

        • Easy data storage: An effective way of data storage is offered by the SQLite database

        • Variable length of columns: The length of the column in SQLite is not fixed, hence it acquire the space only for the entered data. If you are entering 10 characters to a field, then the SQLite will allocate only 10 character spaces to the field, not the entire capacity.


      PouchDB is an open-source database with NoSQL written in JavaScript. The feature of saving data locally allows mobile app developers to work online as well as offline. The application developed on PouchDB can work online as well as offline. This database uses IndexDB and WebSQL to store data internally.

      How does PouchDB work even when offline?

      The PouchDB can work flawlessly online as well as offline. The database stores the data on the browser using IndexedDB and WebSQL. Once back online, the local storage gets synced with the compatible server and the PouchDB.

      How does PouchDB work even when offline?

      Features of PouchDB:


        • Cross-browser: PouchBD can serve equal efficiency in various environments hence can run on various browsers.

        • Lightweight: PouchDB can be added using script tags easily, as it is one of the most lightweight APIs

        • Easy to learn: With a little knowledge of programming, you can easily learn PouchDB

        • Open-source: It is an open-source database available on Github.

      Advantages of PouchDB:


        • It is extremely fast as it is operated inside the browser

        • Data synchronization is easy

        • Supports multiple servers

        • Can run online as well as offline

      Watermelon DB:

      It is one of the highest performing open-source databases, built on the top of SQLite. The emergence of Watermelon DB was done primarily to support react native framework. This database is capable of pulling out huge data in the smallest time giving the highest accuracy. Watermelon DB also shows the capability to handle data resolution on low-end devices. Each query rising on the platform is resolved in an instance as watermelon DB offers a separate native thread making the process much faster.

      Benefits of using watermelon DB:


        • Offers offline first system

        • Offers static typing with flow

        • Developers can develop cross-platform apps

        • Simple data plugging into components

        • It offers an automatic rendering of UI if any changes are made to the database


      It is an embedded open-source database. It is a database storage library that works on the basics of key-value storage. It doesn’t offer any querying or schema constraints. Being schema-less, it offers excellent flexibility and provides a convenient mechanism to work on. It offers 5 subsystems, i.e. datastore, caching, locking, recovery and logging.

      BerkeleyDB editions

      BerkeleyDB editions:


        1. Berkeley DB – the current version as of June 2018 is 18.1.

        1. Berkeley DB Java Edition – the current version as of November 2017 is 7.5.11

        1. Berkeley DB XML – the current version as of November 2017 is 6.1.4

      Why choose Berkeley DB?


        • Require lesser time to market

        • Offers affordable development

        • Lower cost of deployment

        • Simplified data storage

        • Eliminates costly administrative overhead

        • No need to re-write for scalability

        • Eliminates data loss

      Final note:

      The database is the most basic pillar that defines the operations of your mobile app. If you have chosen react native mobile app development, then to leverage the technology to its fullest you must choose the best database too. In this blog, we have mentioned the top database used by most of the best react native app developers to develop the most distinctive features with the highest performance. Among all the listed databases you can choose the best based on your requirement to make mobile app development more lucrative.

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        How to choose the right database for you react native application?

        The selection of a database for react-native application development widely depends on your app requirement. Few aspects which can simplify your selection are listed below:


          1. The complexity of data to be stored

          1. Requirement of offline data syncing

          1. Number of code lines required

          1. Memory management

        What are the best local databases for react native mobile app development?     

        There are several options of the local database to choose from, but the best ones that can serve you with the most lucrative results are:


          1. Realm

          1. Firebase

          1. SQLite

          1. PouchDB

          1. WatermelonDB

          1. BerkeleyDB

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