Success Story – Tracking Prices from Ferry Websites
Discover how we worked with a UK consultant to track pricing information from various ferry websites.
A well-known consulting firm that analyzes ferry ticket prices, booking information, and seat availability from various ferry websites.
The company needed to find the best way to track and compare prices across different ferry websites. This involved looking at various journey types, destination combinations, lengths of stay, and other package options.

DxMinds delivered a powerful price comparison tool to track prices from 5 ferry websites, managing million searches per site each week. This tool collected millions of data points daily, with automatic quality checks and data delivery.
- Easily track, compare, and review competitive prices.
- Use one platform for scraping, analyzing, and comparing data.
- Respond faster to market changes with effective strategies.
- Get accurate and timely data every day of the year.
- Create multiple pricing comparison reports as needed.
- Boost ROI by reducing overhead costs.