- December 17, 2017
- Posted by: Admin
- Category: News

The Squad is a great tactical first-person shooter that was released back in 2015 (early access) and is still going strong despite the releases of so many other great multiplayer games. While the game is definitely not the most popular multiplayer FPS that you’ll find, it is certainly one of the most unique and deserves a lot more popularity and attention from the public than it gets at this point.
The entire game is based on a highly popular mod for the original Battlefield 2. This mod was commonly known as Project Reality and became almost as popular as Battlefield 2 itself. Due to its popularity, the developers behind Squad based the entire game on this modification and obviously took lots of inspiration from it. All in all, Squad is so great and popular among some FPS fans because of how unique and even how challenging it can be.
You never have to worry about being a great leader and coming up with the best tactics that you can ever again. With Squad Hacks by Battlelog, you’ll be so great on your own that no one will ever be able to get the better of you. And with their great undetected cheats, you won’t be getting banned either!
Getting Much Better as a Team Leader in Squad
You either have to be great at being a team leader or great at following the leader’s commands in order to have a chance of winning in Squad. The maps in Squad are huge, and commanding all your team members and performing your own role perfectly while managing the huge amount of land is surely not an easy task.
But with enough practice and the right guidelines, there’s definitely nothing that can stop you from majorly improving in Squad. If you love being the leader in Squad and wish to form your own team which you can guide to victory every single time, here are a few suggestions and tips for you that can transform you into a much better leader and a much better player as well.
Get Some Practice and Familiarize Yourself with Maps
The first and most important thing that you need to do in order to be a great leader for all your teammates is to spend some time in their boots as well. Play some matches in which you’re the one being led rather than the leader. Familiarize yourself with all the best roles that you have to play and which strategies work best in each situation. This way, you can command your team much better as you’ll know exactly what the best jobs are for them.
You’ll also be completely familiar with the maps in their entirety. There’s absolutely no need for us to tell you exactly how helpful this can be in a tactical game like Squad. When you have an understanding of the area, you’re immediately much better at commanding your team than you were before. That’s why it’s recommended that you get into as many matches as you can while putting yourself in every situation in every major area possible.
Communicate Especially Efficiently with Other Team Leaders
One of the cooler features of Squad is that you have the option to communicate with the leaders of other teams, as long as they are your allies. Every single group has its own leader and you can communicate whenever you want with leaders of other groups as long as you yourself are a leader as well.
Communicating with everyone in your group is very important and vital for victory, but this is especially the case with other leaders. When you communicate with other leaders from allied squads, you can use your combined forces to come up with much more efficient plans. This allows you to form much better tactics while playing Squad and it also allows you to greatly increase your chances of winning matches, meaning that you can successfully guide your team to victory while doing so.
Take Risks and Don’t Be Afraid of Winning
This is something that applies to both leaders and casual soldiers in Squad, but it is especially the case when you’re the leader. It is very important that you’re not scared while leading a team. Take as many risks as you can and come up with unique tactics that can help you win matches, even if it puts you at risk of losing.
When you come up with great unique tactics, your chances of winning are immediately boosted greatly. Enemy teams will find it hard to counter your strategies. These unique tactics can either be very well thought out or so chaotic that enemy teams will struggle to contain you and your troops. Either way, it’s a great way of winning matches and guiding your team to victory while being a great leader.
Best Tip for Those That Wish to Guide their Team to Victory
The best tip to anyone that we can give if they wish to guide their team to victory in every single match is simple. Use Squad hacks by Battlelog and you’ll be winning each time while carrying your team to victory with ease. It doesn’t even matter if you get bad teammates in Squad as their hacks will help you win each time. You never have to worry about being a great leader and coming up with the best tactics that you can ever again. With Squad Hacks by Battlelog, you’ll be so great on your own that no one will ever be able to get the better of you. And with their great undetected cheats, you won’t be getting banned either! Pop over to their website – Battlelog to get started with them and get more information!