- October 11, 2022
- Posted by: Admin
- Category: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Technology

These days we are much familiar with the term IoT. It’s nothing but the abbreviation of the Internet of Things. Almost all devices, these days, are IoT enabled. Varying from home appliances to vehicles and smart offices, IoT has brought an abrupt change in the tech space. One of the main advantages IoT facilitates is that each and every device which is IoT-enabled can be accessed and controlled from any part of the universe. In short, a person can control his IoT-enabled television by sitting miles apart. This is how the basic working structure of IoT
In IoT, a bunch of devices, say things, which have sensors and microcontrollers pre-installed in it are connected to a controlling device, let’s say to a Smartphone. The main purpose of these sensors and microcontrollers is to collect the data from those devices and transmit them to the controlling device. The connectivity is by making use of the internet. Thus known as, the Internet of Things. IoT is basically a human-machine interaction, where the commands are given by humans and the task is accomplished by machines. It is the transfer and reception of data. The main factor which separates IoT data transfer from other data transfers is that, in IoT, no computer is involved in generating or transmitting data, while all other data transfer doesn’t take place without the help of a computer. As discussed earlier, in IoT, computers are carried out by sensors and microprocessors.
A huge volume of data has to be generated and transmitted for serving this purpose of IoT. This bulk amount of data is then collected, analyzed, and properly processed. The conventional ways of data collection and processing are not up to the mark. That’s why a new technology has been introduced in the area of IoT. It is nothing but Artificial Intelligence. Being programmed using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence is a self-learning computer intelligence, which is widely been used in IoT for analyzing data and making decisions accordingly.
After Artificial Intelligence has been introduced in various areas where IoT is been applied, the outcomes were outrageous. Some of them were high accuracy, increased human-machine interaction efficiency, increased operational efficiency, and true digital transformation. The healthy competition among AI and IoT companies is paving the way, where it opens new doors of opportunities, which couldn’t even be imagined.
The need for Artificial Intelligence in IoT is to ensure that only adequate data is been collected. When the sensors are sending data in a large volume, the time required to process those data will also go up. In order to reduce that and to make sure that only adequate data is been collected; a process is carried out with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This process is called data mining. Data mining is carried out in different steps such as
- Data integration
- Data selection
- Data cleaning
- Data transformation
- Data mining
- Pattern evaluation
Data integration is the step where the available data are integrated together. After that, all the data are selected which is termed as data selection. The data selected will be a larger or smaller portion which is dependent based upon the requirements of the storage device. Data cleaning is a process where the selected data is filtered and cleansed. Replicated and duplicate data will be eliminated during this process to ensure more storage. This cleaned data is then transformed, which is known as data transformation. Data transformation is carried out to ensure that it is accessible and standardized. Data that is mined is called data mining. This is used to evaluate the patterns. As Artificial Intelligence is a prediction using the available data and algorithm, more the data that comes in the chances of the algorithm improving are high. As the algorithms get improved, the efficiency and productivity of the system are also improved.
If asked for live examples where both IoT and Artificial Intelligence blended together, the answer can be many. Some of them are self-driving cars, automatic vacuum cleaners, Smart thermostats, etc. Self-driving cars process the IoT-given data using Artificial intelligence, making it easier to figure out hindrances and skip the obstacles alongside the road and thereby avoiding the chance of vehicles getting into accidents. This not only ensures passenger safety but also helps the vehicle to stay away from crashes. Whereas Automatic vacuum cleaners clean the house and are capable of charging themselves. Smart thermostats are AIoT devices that help one in controlling the temperature inside the home or workplace. Smart thermostats come under the category of Smart homes which is another application of IoT.
Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are widely been used these days. There are even several use cases and real-life applications of AI in IoT. Let’s have a brief look at the major industries which are focused on exploring new verticals by bringing AI to IoT:
AIoT in Industrial Security
Artificial Intelligence-powered IoT devices are available in the market for many reasons. One of its applications is to track the login and log-out of employees by making use of physical features such as face recognition, retina scanning, etc. It is also used in cases where access is restricted to many. It enhances cybersecurity by preventing fraudulent activities and malpractices.
AIoT in Health Care
The application of Artificial Intelligence in IoT in the field of health care made the analysis of symptoms and curing of diseases easy. The data which are transmitted from medical equipment enhanced the system of adopting preventive measures. Health cares mobile apps built by mobile application development companies in Dubai and other major parts across the globe are capable of receiving and processing such data.
AIoT in Agriculture
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in IoT can literally abrupt the agriculture sector. It can help in identifying and predicting crop rotation, risk management, soil properties, climate change, yield prediction, crop assessment, etc.
AIoT in Smart Homes
Further research in AIoT paved the way for Smart Homes which are enabled with many smart features. Features such as a mobile app unlocking system, enhanced security, and control over household equipment such as refrigeration, telephone, television, computer systems, fans, and even microwave oven. These are a few of the very large features Smart Homes facilitates.
AI in IoT has far more to do than what has been discussed in this blog. As it is a vast area of study and myriad applications of it exist, a wide canvas is required for comprehensive detailing. Yet, one thing is for sure, implementation of AI in IoT is all about bringing out a fruitful transformation and more magic waits.
If you are the kind of person who is looking forward to enabling AI in IoT or an AIoT device, feel free to connect with DxMinds, the #1 Digital Transformation Partner and Mobile app development company in Sweden which has roots all across the globe.
Email: inquiry@dxminds.com