DX Solution
Crypto Asset Exchange
Have a Safe, Secure and Disciplined Crypto Trading
- These days, crypto currencies have become a talk of the town and everyone is pretty much aware of cryptos.
- From Bitcoin to Ripple and Ethereum, cryptographic currencies have emerged out to be the new age investment tool.
- Trading of cryptocurrencies is made possible with the help of a digital platform known as cryptocurrency Exchanges
- Without having space in the exchange, a trader can either buy or sell cryptocurrencies.
- Exchanges can also be used for liquidating cryptos.
- In the current market scenario, a trader often finds it hard liquidating the crypto he owns.
- It is due to various reasons-Cyber Security issues, High brokerage charges, time consumed, etc. are the very few among them.
- With the intention of lending an aid to the traders, we, DxMinds Innovation Labs have come up with an end to end secured unique solution.

What is the Solution?
- To overcome the existing troubles and to offer an easy and convenient trading experience for every trader, we have built a crypto-asset exchange that possesses a high degree of security.
- The main feature of our solution is that it offers cyber security insurance for traders, which is the first of its kind.
- On top of that, it bestows high-end reporting tools and various payment methods can be integrated into it.
- The platform is designed in such a way that about 100 cryptocurrencies can be traded simultaneously on it.
- Regardless of its type, users can make use of any currency, varying from USD TO GBP and EUR to buy or sell the cryptos.
- The State of art security feature makes the platform stay ahead of all kinds of malware attacks.
- The verification process based on biometric features and multiple signatures shields the exchange wallet.
- Moreover, the platform lets Wealth managers and HNI Portfolio handlers to carry out trades in a bulk quantity.

Technologies Used:
- Bitcoin Core
- BigChain DB
- Ethereum
- MultiChain
- Mongo DB
- .NET
- Hassle-free trading experience
- Fewer Commissions
- Safe and secure
Partner With Us
We warmly welcome partnerships from enterprises all across the globe in having a fruitful association leveraging our Crypto solution. Get in touch with us for more details.